Friday, September 4, 2009

ARCTIC DRIFT By Clive Cussler and Dirk Cussler

This is another novel about Dirk Pitt. Dirk Pitt is the director of NUMA, National Underwater and Marine Agency.His children Summer and Dirk Jr work for him.
This book opens with a look at history-April 1848,Victoria Strait in the Arctic Ocean:
Two ships The Erebus and The Terror are icebound in the Arctic winter with an added complication, a strange mineral they have on board appears to be making some of the men crazy. The Erebus is abandoned to the insane ones and then the Terror is destroyed by crushing ice and they are forced to leave it as well. As they trudge across the ice to try and return to the Erebus, they see it break free and go sailing off to sea.
Fast forward to April 2011:
A fishing trawler named Ventura is cutting across the inside passage, British Columbia when they see a strange cloud or fog on the water.When the fog envelopes the vessel they suffocate. Along come Summer and Dirk Jr doing some oceanography research studies, and they find the fishing boat about to crash into a rocky island. Dirk boards the vessel to save it and makes the grizzly discovery. They pilot the vessel to the nearest port and are detained for questioning.
Dirk also shows the investigators where the captain has tried to write a message on the helm as he was dying. When the autopsies are done the cause of death reveals asphyxiation, But the unfortunate captains brother,Trevor can not find any leaks aboard the boat. A mystery is born.
Can Summer and Dirk find the cause of the killing fog? Is it The Devils Breath?
In their investigation they run across a place called Terra Green, a prototype sequestration plant. It is designed to pump carbon dioxide beneath the ocean floor. Terra Green is owned by a billionaire named Mitchell Goyette. Is he really trying to save the environment or just get richer?
Next meet Lisa Lane a research biochemist with a ground breaking discovery that could eliminate global warming. Only catch is that it takes a little known called ruthenium. Now Dirk senior is on the case trying to find out who's trying to kill her.
Just as suddenly there are a lot of unexplained deaths occurring in British Columbia. Is there a connection, and can they find it before the USA gets drawn into a war with one of her closest allies?
Lots of action! 7\10

Get This Book Here!!
Arctic Drift (A Dirk Pitt Novel, #20) (Dirk Pitt Novels)
Other Books By Clive Cussler!
Spartan Gold (Fargo Adventures)
The Wrecker

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